Friday 4 November 2011

In black and white

First big cake order.

Nerve wrecking to say the least.

 How pretty are these cupcake boxes! I'm so doing all my cupcakes in these boxes from now on.

I'm so tired, I love baking and it's all pretty and happy when it's done but wow...did this take hours! And tonight I have to ice 100 biscuits for that bachelorettes so it's going to be another long night. I was so nervous about this cake because it's the first big cake I'm making for an order for someone who isn't my friend and won't say 'It's fine, don't worry bout that little disaster happening on the side!'.

It's not perfect (apparently I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to things like this), but I think it'll do, I hope the birthday girl likes it.


  1. Well done I'm proud of you.
    love Marianne

    Jenny It's amazing!! I'm so impressed! turned out even better than I could have imagined.
    Love the flowers! wow wee!
    Love Mich :)

  2. Thanks :) I worked hard on it so I'm glad people like it


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