Now I obviously do have other friends, I'm not a weird loner with only two friends, but these two were my people, the ones I talk to...about stuff. And now they are gone. In today's world they are literally just a Skype or Whatsapp message away, I know, but there is a big difference between talking over electronic devices and talking face to face. I miss them both already, I missed them before they were even gone because I knew what it would mean for me once they left. I was over-the-moon happy for both of them because I know they both made choices which will undoubtedly change their lives forever and for what I believe will be only good, but I'm still sad that they are gone. I encouraged them both to leave and got excited and didn't feel too sad actually saying goodbye, but in my heart I know that I will miss them every day. I think it is strange how you can miss someone so much more as soon as you know they aren't just down the road anymore...what is the age-old saying...absence makes the heart grow fonder. There is a reason age-old sayings exist.
There is no real message or point to this post, it might just be an acknowledgment to the world and to myself that yes...they are gone and I miss them. You know who you are and you both know that I love you dearly and miss you every day.
Have fun.
Love you Jen xxx