Monday, 14 November 2011

I'm thankful for...Monday?

I missed Fridays' I'm thankful for post, and most of last week. Sorry about that. My internet at home is down annoying, but I just decided to take the week/weekend off and rest and no go on my computer at all, and it was rather nice.

We had a little pool party on Saturday and it was so glorious just relaxing in the pool and under the trees with friends. The trees were going to be my thankful post but I'm even more thankful for them now after this weekend. It's been so hot this last week and sitting in the shade under the trees was just so nice. It felt like we were on holiday, which was really great cuz I'm desperately in need of a holiday! are a whole bunch of things that happened since last monday.

These are the beautiful trees outside and around our house. They are huge and make the outside patio so nice and cool and enjoyable on these hot summer days.

Our pool has this weird super shallow corner, it's great though cuz you can sit in the pool in the corner like a jacuzzi. The ground around our house is very rocky so I think when they built the pool they kinda just put it where they could dig deeper than 30cm.

I made cupcakes on Thursday for a friend as a present for her boyfriend, they came out quite nice so I hope he liked them.

We put the dogs in the pool to cool down on Saturday afternoon cuz they were just so hot. Tayla immediately rolled in every patch of dirt she could find. Troy, again, wasn't phased.

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