Wednesday, 22 May 2013

I am still around

It was our 1-month-married anniversary on Monday, which I wouldn't even have noticed if it wasn't for the other great people around me who all realised and wished us. It's not such a big deal, when you consider that we have been together for over 6 years, but it was still fun. Anyway...what I mean is that it's already a month after the wedding and my last post was a month before the wedding...which is pretty bad blog form if you ask me. But I'm very happy in my life right now so I don't care too much.

Ok I do care but I'm stuck in this weird I-need-to-redesign-update-change-start-from-scratch-the-blog space and I feel like posting anything of value would be wasteful while i'm in this space. I will be redesigning the blog soonish (it still says girlfriend on the right --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
when my title is already WIFE).

I'm waiting for all my wedding photos to arrive and when they do I'm seriously going to sit myself down and start doing things (read blogging) again. I really want to do a whole wedding tips thing, because I planned most of our wedding myself and I know that if you just have a little bit of help and advice from people who've been through it, it makes it so much nicer. So I will be putting my version of wedding planning out there into the world and hopefully it helps someone one day.

Also we are about to start house renovations (and have changed so many things already since my last house update) so I'm very keen to start getting all that up in here. We also have amazing honeymoon photos that I will be sharing as well so if you liked Travel Tuesdays there will be a few more of those soon too.

Hmmm I feel like this post is a bit of a cheat post cuz I'm just being all "Oh i'll do this and that and just wait a bit, it's coming soon" but thats about all I have to offer at the moment and hopefully it will let the old faithfuls (Ken) know that I will be back...soon. So stay tuned.

Here are some wedding pics just to give this post a bit of interest if you normally just like to look at the photos on here. (I can't wait to get the rest because these are just so amazing. If you love them and want to get in touch with the amazing CC, who took them her website is here)

Chat soon.

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