Tuesday, 23 October 2012

It's almost NOVEMBER...what? How did that happen??

Let's get one thing straight...working a full time job, a part-time baking job, cleaning and looking after a house (and a fiancé) AND planning a wedding leave VERY little time for much else. I know that I've basically fallen off the blogging bus and it's got so far ahead of me that I might never catch up but SOMETHING had to give in this new chaotic jam-packed life of mine and my job and wedding and normal life beat my blog on the list of things to-do.

If I'm completely honest the wedding planning just took over everything. I haven't baked anything amazing recently and I can hardly say that my house is perfectly clean and organised...but the wedding plans are on track. Thank goodness. Planning a wedding is not a simple task, and new things just keep popping up month after month. It's only six months to go till the wedding now, which sounds like long but trust me when you get into it, it really isn't. So I doubt anything will be changing much on the blog front anytime soon. Although I AM baking the Eiffel tower tonight...yup the Eiffel tower. So hopefully I'll have pics of that for you tomorrow.

Other than that everything is pretty normal, except for the fact that it's NOVEMBER next week! I can't believe how quickly this year has flown by. I must be getting old because last time I checked I'm pretty sure it was June. There is nothing big planned for December holidays this year so you won't be getting any exciting Travel Tuesdays next year. But if you have the patience to wait around until May I'll have LOTS of exciting wedding things and tips. Perhaps I'll start a sneak peak Wednesday Weddings series in the mean time...

Keep well and hopefully I'll be back soon!

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