Thursday, 19 April 2012


I'm still alive...believe it or not. So a minor little event passed by almost completely unnoticed this was my blogiversary! I can't actually believe I've only been blogging for a year, it feels like it's always been a part of my life. But if I really think about it, A LOT has changed since last year this time!

Now I don't really know what the blog birthday/anniversary protocol is but I would imagine (especially on a baking blog such as this one) that I should have baked a cake or something to celebrate. Well I didn't. I was planning to, but then this brunch that I have been planning for ages (and had to postpone and move to now) happened to fall on my blog-birthday weekend. So here is the brunch, in semi-celebration of the blogiversary - only two other people at the breakfast actually knew it was my blogiversary.

I didnt plan the brunch specifically for the blogiversary, it just happened to land on the same weekend. I planned the brunch because I love Sunday I have mentioned before and because I have discovered that I love food photography. The ironic part about this whole big elaborate display of food and table settings is that I didn't take any of the photos. I was so busy running around cooking the food that I threw my camera at my friends and asked them to take photos. Luckily I have awesomely talented friends like Estian who took most of these photos (except the first one and last two).

Tayla also had a new friend visiting. This is Pigeon - yes her name is Pigeon. She is just as tiny as Tayla and very cute. Troy was super excited to see another tiny dog but Tayla was a bit put out - she isn't even remotely bothered when other huge dogs come to visit, but no-one must threaten her claim to the tiniest-dog-in-the-world. But in the end they were all fine together.

And finally - the T-rex. Argh!

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