Sunday, 4 December 2011

Christmas is coming to town

My blog is officailly on holiday...normal programming will resume in January 2012.

I've been super busy lately, besides trying to get everything sorted and ready for my sister and my 3 week European holiday, I've been baking like a crazy person. Christmas biscuits for everyone and bachelorettes biscuits for others. I was so rushed with all this baking that I didnt even take decent photos as proof of all my busy-ness, but this is what I have.

Besides that I have tons of real world work that needs to get done before I go off on my trip. Hopefully I won't completely collapse as soon as we get on the plane - I'm trying hard to avoid this.

Mostly all this busy-ness has made me decide to put my blog on holiday until life returns to normal. I don't feel like I can keep up with normal posts in between all this chaos so I would rather officially go on blogiday (haha - lame I know) and then just post when I have time or have something really exciting to share, because that will take my mind off my blog and allow me to concentrate on everything else.

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