Monday, 10 October 2011


I went on a bit of a shopping spree this weekend. I bought things I don't really need, like MORE ribbons (see those SEVEN new rolls on the right).

I'm completely obsessed with ribbon and buttons and Moleskines and material. I have an abundance of all of these things - like an ABUNDANCE. There are a large amount of little bags full of buttons and random metre long pieces of material that I have no plans for - they are simply just pretty I and love them.

When we moved I created this little area to keep my ribbons and Moleskins. Some of these ribbons (as you can see) have not even been opened yet, I just buy them to look pretty on my shelf. Similarly there are a couple of Moleskines there that are completely blank, and others that get used daily. But I do plan to use everything at some point...eventually...and you never know when you might just NEED some stripy brown ribbon?!

I did buy some things that I actually plan to use. If my plan is successful then maybe someday soon you can own your very own [one]'s a surprise!

Check back soon for a sneak peak of what it is that I'm making!

1 comment:

  1. Ribbons! Buttons! Moleskins! Surprises! Wooooo!!!


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