Friday, 14 October 2011

I'm thankful for...Friday

This week I am thankful for terrible movies.

A friend, Neil*, and I went to watch a movie on Wednesday. We go to movies often but havn't been in ages and had no idea what to watch. So we just chose one I had seen a preview for ages ago.

It was horrible. After the first, maybe 2 minutes, I leaned over and whispered... "I hope this movie gets better". It didn't, it just got funnier (it was supposed to be an action/thriller) and more unbelievable as we went along. It was bad, like so bad that we spent the entire movie giggling to each other and trying to figure out what was going on. It was great. We happily ate popcorn and contemplated the next predictable thing that would happen and then watched it play out exactly as expected. Actually, some parts were so bad that we could only stare at each other in disbelief and shock at what we had just witnessed.

What did we watch? Here's a clue... (its a good clue)

Sometimes that is exactly what you need from a movie - a terrible script, horrendous acting (no, not even his hotness could save him), a storyline that a 10 year old could have written and someone great to enjoy it with.

*Name not changed to protect identity :)

PS - He never gets abducted

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