Friday, 28 October 2011

I'm thankful for...Friday

I'm a HUUUUGE bookworm. I love reading and always have. When we moved, the one thing we had tons of was books and bookshelves. We have 5 bookshelves in our house, that's more than we have rooms!

Today I am most definitely thankful for books, more specifically for the kindle and even more specifically, for the fact that my kindle wasn't stolen. Yes it sounds strange but here's the story: I read a lot, and I love my kindle, like LOVE LOVE LOVE it. So everyone I know who reads, should have a my opinion. I have personally been responsible for 14 kindles being bought. Seriously, if you a kindle, now! The new ones are super cheap as well so you have no excuse.

Anyway, on my mission to convert everyone to kindle readers, I lent my kindle to a friend so that he could try it out and see if he should get one (which he obviously should) and he had a break-in and thought it had been stolen. I wasn't too sad cuz he said he would just buy me a new one, which is great cuz then I could get the new little one, but then he found it squished in between his desk and couch.

So I still have a kindle, with a really nice cover. But if you don't have one yet, and you read, even a little bit, go here and buy one now.

Here is a peak at my one bookshelf. One whole shelf is dedicated to Wilbur Smith, my favourite author. Ken Follet is another one of my favourites, but I've been reading most of his books on my kindle so they aren't on the shelves. I hate Marion Keyes...I've read some of her books (cuz I can never start a book and not finish it) but her characters just annoy me, don't let her blue book in the first picture fool you, it's just there because I would feel bad burning it.

The surprise I was talking about here is related to this post as well. Sorry it's taking so long but I will get day! Also sorry about this long wordy post...but it's about reading, so what do you expect.

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