This week has been pretty quiet on the blog front so far...mostly because it has been completely chaotic at home.
I'm taken on a huge cake project, that I'm hoping I'll be able to do, and it's scaring me to death at the moment. I did a practice cake in the mean time (Colin is very happy about this whole situation, he keeps saying I can make as many practice cakes as I want, he will gladly eat them all) and I'm trying to make myself believe I can do this - I kind of have to do it cuz else some poor 50-year old lady is going to have no birthday cake!
Next week is going to be even more chaos as I have to make all the biscuits for that bachelorettes as well as one batch of cupcakes and two...yes TWO...tiered cakes. If all goes well you won't hear anything from me next week but then there will be a flood of things for you to see after that. So hold thumbs.
In the mean time, I thought I would show you what's going on around the house. Just in case you were wondering.
This is the house in August (please ignore the badly smooshed together photo).
This is the house today, so much nicer :)
The other day Colin came home with this little present for me, he's not a big present guy so it was really sweet.
My terrarium is growing all wild and out of control, but two of the plants have fungus/bug-thingys on them so that needs to be sorted out.
And finally...tonight is Diwali, and Troy isn't so happy about all the loud banging fireworks. He's just trying to hide between my legs the whole time, as large as he his. He might get to sleep in the room with us tonight so I'm sure he'll be happy about that.
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