Thursday, 25 August 2011


We went away for my birthday weekend and while we were out there in the bush I decided to look for some plants for the bowl I bought a while back to make a terrarium - an idea which mainly came from this amazing blog here - The Brick House. I'm totally in love with this blog and anything she does...but more about that later.

Anyway so I finally got to making my terrarium for our coffee table in the lounge. I realised I know NOTHING about plants. And I have quite a couple of's a wonder they are still alive. Here is what I do know about plants...

I know that this plant it very temperamental and doesn't like being moved around.

This lily was a gift from a work friend who immigrated. She gave it to me and then told me that her father gave it to her after she had her first child as a mothers day present (the child is like 6 or 7 now) - no pressure to keep it alive. I have found a spot for it and it seems to be happy there, it even popped out a few new leaves...maybe one day it will flower again, hopefully.

I know that this magical plant...

Can survive anything. It randomly appeared one day in our previous garden and then grew into this monstrosity that has been flowering ever since. When we moved I brought it with and left it in a plastic bag for a week or two before I replanted it and already it has a couple of new flowers popping up - so this plant makes me feel like I can actually do gardening.

Back to the terrarium then. I was going to do a whole step by step/DIY process but I was sick and got over taking the pictures after the first few so you can just figure it out for yourself. Or go to the Brick House post and see how she does it there. It's really not that hard (says me the self-confessed nothing-knower of plants). Glass bowl, stones, sand, plants, stones.

They haven't died yet so it seems to be going ok. Yay! I just looked at the terrarium and realised the one plant has grown a lot since I took these photos - about 2 weeks ago. So they must be happy!

Someone else in our little family seems to think she knows everything about gardening though.

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