Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Internet quizzes

Yay for fun, totally pointless, internet quizzes where you get something "unique" to you at the end. And I'm not being sarcastic. I love these things. Create a video featuring you. Get your very own wallpaper. See who has viewed your one is lame! Everyone knows its not real...STOP CLICKING THAT LINK PEOPLE!

Anyway, I just upgraded my Firefox and they have a cool little gadgety thing that creates a wallpaper 'unique' to you and to how you use the web. Now when I saw this I's going to take my web history and create a collage of all the sites I've visited in forever and it'll be totally awesome - like the Intel Museum of Me, which is very cool, do it now if you haven't.

But actually they just ask you a few would you rather be planting trees at an old age home or be surfing the web...and then they give you a little collage thing at the end.

Here's mine. It's actually pretty good...a nice mix of boy and girl things, vintage and hi-tech, some craft stuff and some nature.

It looks a bit cooler on the actual site here
I would never have that phone though.

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