The other night we had the first thunder and lightning of summer - thunder and lightning only though, no rain. I love thunder and lightning so I whipped out my camera and then failed miserably to captured any of it, but it was fun to try. So here is just a pic of the lights of Joburg (this is taken from our roof - we have a pretty good view).
This is the closest I got to actual lightning - it's all blurry and stuff I know, sorry.
So then I took some photos of the dogs instead...of course.
This month I promised myself I would do more posts, at least 2 a week but it doesn't seem to be happening.
So far this week has been really insane. I have PILES of work on my plate at the moment and have been working late and not really getting any time to think about anything else. Next week should be better and then I will try make up for missing my 2+ posts-a-week schedule.
Tomorrow is Colin's birthday and we having a little pool party next weekend so I will be baking all sorts of yummy things that you will get to see very soon. I promise!
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