Wednesday, 21 September 2011

David Filer

This is a pencil drawing. Wow.

I know.

This is the work of the AMAZINGLY talented David Filer. My friend. Yup, I'm name dropping. He is the David Shepherd Wildlife artist of the year for 2011. His work is unbelievable. I could stare at it for hours. I've never been a huge fan of wildlife art - I feel that most of it is really boring and tacky, like it belongs in some overdone big 5 themed game lodge. It's probably a South African thing, I think because we are so spoilt for choice when it comes to wild animals and the opportunity to see them that it all becomes rather jaded.

But this, this is something completely different. It's like seeing nature for the first time.

David's work is so captivatingly beautiful I would hang a piece on every wall of my house if I could.

My favourite thing about his works is the softness. Somehow he manages to turn pencil into soft cuddly fur or breezy feathers. It's mesmerising. I love it.

I absolutely love his work. And I love him, he is such a great guy and always makes me laugh. I couldn't be happier for him now that he is doing what he loves best. I would say I wish him luck in everything he does...but with talent like this, he doesn't need luck.

Find his website here

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