Wednesday, 13 July 2011

i love u cupcakes

Colin and I recently bought and moved into a new house. Moving is pretty stressful but the unpacking has proved to be even more testing on our normally peaceful relationship. So I decided to do something nice for him just to let him know how much I love him.

I make cupcakes and biscuits all the time but Colin seldom gets to have any - unless they are rejects - because I bake and deliver them in batches of 12 or 24, so there aren't any left over. And if there are, they are never as nicely iced or decorated as all the others. I'm forever telling him - "You can't eat any of those cupcakes/biscuits I just made". A while ago I made a batch of cupcakes just to test out a new icing, they stood on the kitchen table for about 3 days before I eventually said to Colin "You can eat these", he looked at me in disbelief and said "Really, are they for me!?". 

So for a change I thought I would make some just for him. And surprise him with it.

Last night I made some Red Velvet cupcakes (which I've been wanting to try for ages). I started really late so by the time they were iced and ready Colin had gone to bed, so I left a little surprise in the fridge for him.

He really loved his surprise and the fact that he could actually eat all the cupcakes in sight.

Baking with my iPad and Pepperplate

For some reason the second batch seemed less red than the first, even though it was all the same batter.

I'm not the best judge, because I don't actually like EATING cupcakes just MAKING them, but the Red Velvet cupcakes weren't mind-blowingly amazing, as all the hype around them has made them seem to be. They were different, I'll give them that. Will test them out on some other people though and see what they say. I take that back - the cupcakes are amazeballs...I've been eating them non-stop. It might be the icing though.

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