Monday, 26 November 2012

Blue biscuits

I finally made some biscuits again this weekend! It's been long enough and I was very happy with the way these turned out. They weren't for any event specifically, I just want to see how the blue and white would look together - and I think they look pretty good!

I also tried my hand at making roses to go onto a cake, it takes a bit of practice but they came out pretty good for my first try I think (also, I don't have the correct petal cutter yet, I'm waiting for my order to arrive so I was using a heart cutter for the petals). I need to make a whole bunch of these for a wedding cake that I'm doing soon so hopefully I'll get the petal cutter soon and then I can start churning them out.


  1. OH MY HAT those biscuits look so cool! And who need the petal cutter when your petals look amazing! :P

    1. Thanks :) I'm in love with the blue ones too :)


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