Monday, 9 July 2012

Exciting news!

Hello, long time, I know. SOOOO much has been going on I actually can't believe it. Firstly...

WE GOT ENGAGED!!! Yay! Wedding time! Hooray! I can't tell you how happy I am. Wow it's so exciting and is a large part of why I've pretty much fallen off the blogging wagon. But I don't really care, I'm getting married to the most amazing guy and that's all that really matters to me right now.


I'm on a technology ban. I decided at the beginning of June that there where just too many things in my life that were taking me away from real, everyday living. TV, Facebook, Blogging, Twitter, Pinterest...they were all just becoming overwhelming. So I gave them all up, or at least limited myself to how much I use them. I initially wanted to do it for a month but have found that I really actually don't care much for any of it anymore...except blogging, I still love my blog and will hopefully get back into the swing of things now. It becomes such a habit to just go on Facebook/twitter or to plop down in front of the TV when you get home. Now that I have been consciously aware of how much time I'm spending doing certain things I have found that I really don't need any of them and how much time I've been wasting. It has been very refreshing to get out of my old habits and do some new things. I would highly advise it to anyone feeling like they are in a bit of a habitual rut.

Getting engaged did throw a bit of a spanner in the technology ban works because the last three weeks have been a bit of a blur and I did do a bit of instant wedding inspiration internet searching which kind of went against the whole techno-free lifestyle thing. But I think I've got that initial rush of planning excitement out. Hopefully I'll calm down enough to actually set a date and get a ring...yes, I don't even have my ring yet! I feel a bit like a crazy planner bride, oh well. (If you follow me on Pinterest you might have noticed that my wedding board has expanded significantly in the last two weeks!)

So besides the techno cleanse thing and the whole getting engaged thing I have been busy with a couple of other things. We went down to Natal for my Grandpa's 80th birthday, which was really nice. (This weekend was also where Colin plucked up the courage to ask my Dad for permission to marry me before he asked me - so sweet). Makaranga lodge, were we had the birthday breakfast, was AMAZING! Really beautiful with huge gardens and that amazing Natal nature. I would highly advise a visit there if you live near Hillcrest.

They had the most amazing Mud chandelier that I want soooo badly...not that it would fit ANYWHERE in my house.

Otherwise everything is going well and the dogs are still adorable. I love this photo of Tayla, it looks like she is a little ballerina.

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