Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Birthday card

Yesterday was a friends' birthday, he is a fellow designer - and very good at it I might add - and he is a perfectionist as well as being brutally honest. I didn't want to design a card for him, partly because he is a guy and I don't really think guys keep/like birthday cards but also in fear of his sharp tongue. So I made this to stick on the present instead, I think it looked pretty good.

He still didn't say anything nice about it, but at least he didn't say anything horrible, and I saw some other people admiring it, so that's fine :) If you are wondering why this person is my friend, well, he's actually a really great guy, and he considers me a friend, which means a lot. Happy birthday Estian.

Limited edition prints from 20x200

1 comment:

  1. haha, that's so Estian down to a T!

    It's a cool thingy i like it a lot :) it's awesome!


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