Monday, 6 June 2011

Baking Supplies

I'm making cupcakes on Wednesday for a friends birthday and I wanted to get some little pink flowers to put onto the cupcakes (she LOOOOOVES pink). I'm the type who would usually try make everything from scratch myself, but this time I decided I'd just buy some. Another friend told me about this little bakery shop a while ago and I finally managed to get out of bed early enough on Saturday to make my way there.

What a great little shop! (They could perhaps get someone great like me to update their look but besides that they are amazing) You can get all sorts of wonderful treats there...ready-made plastic icing, novelty tins, normal tins, ready made icing decorations (I bought daisies and flip flops), HUGE tubs of vermcilli in all colours and pretty much anything you need for baking. They have a massive range of powdered colour for icing which allows you to get proper red and black colour in your icing, along with any other colour under the sun. You can also hire novelty tins which is nice because no one really NEEDS to make Hello Kitty shaped cakes for the rest of their lives!

Be prepared to spend more than you want to though as there are so many great things that you could end up breaking the bank on sweet treats and tins.

They are in Fourways on Kingfisher drive in the same centre as the Spar -

I will post the pics of the pink cupcakes when I make them - I'm hoping they will turn out as great as they look in my mind.

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