Friday 17 February 2012

It's time for weekend, thank goodness

I know today is supposed to be "Thankful for friday" day but this week has been too weird and annoying for me to do that. I'll prob do one on Monday. Actually I do know exactly what I'm thankful for this camera.

Last weekend we went to a friend's birthday party and I took my camera along and then promptly forgot it there. Which has been rather annoying. I love my camera, and I take photos almost every day. I only really realised now, after not having it for a week, how often I get the urge to take photos of just random everyday life.

A friend of mine once told me to take photos of everyday life, cuz those are the moments you will want to look back on. And it makes total sense. Obviously you take photos of events and exciting things, but it's the small uneventful things that are really nice to look back on. Like "Oh my soul look how horrible our garden looked when we first moved in". Or, "Remember this day when you fell into the pool". Photos of everyday life are so rewarding because they remind you of things that you would otherwise forget. This week I haven't been able to do that, which has been annoying, because it was Valentines Day and I made another cake for an order and I wanted to take photos of my dogs and I couldn't.

Then I slammed my finger in the door, which is even more annoying because it's going to be sore the whole weekend and we are going camping. It's also all gross and black and the nail will probably fall of in a few months. So I'm going to be annoyed by that for a while too.

I didn't have a bad week as such, and I'm not in a bad mood or unhappy. I'm just...annoyed...which annoys me even more. It's a viscous cycle. Luckily we are going to the dam tomorrow and will be camping and boating and wakeboarding and fun things like that. Let's just hope nothing annoying happens.

Sorry no photos today...annoying hey? :)

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